The Zoning Ordinance Rewrite work groups have prepared a series of zoning ordinance audits for reference and use for the Zoning Ordinance Rewrite (ZOR) effort. The information provides critical zoning ordinance requirements based on research compiled over the past five years, and expands upon public input provided during the County Staff Planning & Zoning Focus Groups conducted in 2020 and 2021.
As a public service, the Zoning Audit Template has been shared with other organizations (REDC, Loudoun Historic Village Alliance, Coalition of Loudoun Towns, and other groups) for their use, to provide a consistent format for ZOR County Staff recipients.
The Zoning Ordinance Audits will also be used by the public to evaluate the new zoning ordinance language when drafts are made available during 1) Round 3 input in 2021 via the Zoning Ordinance Committee (ZOC) review and 2) April 2022 Public draft text review. Work Group team members are available for questions, additional examples, and further descriptions upon request.
Maura Walsh-Copeland, Zoning Work Group Chair