Our Work
The Coalition fulfills its goals by organizing project work groups to address opportunities and issues of concern. The project work groups are composed of partner organizations members with particular expertise to address the matters at hand. Please use our contact form if you would like assistance with any issue that pertains to these missions.
County Fiscal Vision. This project group works to encourage Loudoun County to adopt a fiscal vision that promotes the slow growth that citizens strongly support, that will maintain the assets and the quality of life that citizens desire, and that will ensure a strong financial framework going into the future.
Conservation & Heritage Preservation:
Conservation Easements. This group works with Loudoun County staff to institute a stewardship program for county-held conservation easements, to ensure that properties remain in compliance with the terms of the easements.
Heritage Preservation. The Coalition was instrumental in creating the Loudoun County Heritage Plan, the Heritage Commission, and the preservation of numerous assets of value to its citizens, its tourism, and its rural communities.
Historic Cemeteries. Protection of the county’s historic cemeteries has involved identification and surveys of all the county’s historic cemeteries, improving provisions in the county’s Zoning Ordinance that protect them, and promoting stewardship of the properties.
Development Projects. In an effort to track development applications that could impact important natural, cultural and historic resources, as well as the quality of life for Loudoun residents, the project work group monitors development applications and alerts Coalition members to new proposals throughout the county. The project group also provides members with project information (such as timelines and ways to participate in the public process).
Resource Protection and Green Infrastructure. This work group monitors environmental issues in Loudoun that underpin healthy ecological systems, such as the Limestone Overlay District, rivers, streams, and wetlands, steep slopes, and pollution sources. Its partner members conceived the Emerald Ribbons linear park concept adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 2018.
Emerald Ribbons. In response to strong public input and a shortage of parks and trails in Loudoun County, a group of Coalition members proposes Emerald Ribbons, a countywide interconnected system of linear parks and trails.
Roads, Bridges & Arterial Networks:
Rural Arterials Network. This work group will monitor and address the issues arising from Loudoun’s arterials roads studies, issues with cut-through traffic, and the impacts to heritage and environmental assets. It advocates for improvements that address safety and function in ways that emphasize serving the rural communities beyond the curbs.
Rural Roads and Bridges. This work group has focused on preserving and maintaining Loudoun’s historic roads network and its historic bridges. It has worked closely with VDOT to improve maintenance of the county’s unpaved roads, identify new materials and methods, and promote the beauty and tourism value of this hundreds of years old, 300-mile road network.
Zoning Input & Updates. The Zoning project work group focus currently comprises four priorities: 1. To inform and update Coalition members and the public of important zoning amendments, case study findings, and pending zoning applications. 2. To identify and assess common issues and complaints through case study review and consolidation. 3. To facilitate stakeholder meetings and issues review with county and state staff to improve processes. 4. To document findings and make recommendations for Zoning Ordinance Rewrite requirements.