Conservation & Heritage Preservation
Three Coalition project groups work on issues relating to land conservation and heritage preservation. Please use our contact form if you would like assistance with any issue that pertains to these group’s missions.
The Conservation Easements work group is closely working with Loudoun County government to ensure stewardship of the county-held easements. In addition the group focuses on encouraging easements as a tool for landowners to preserve their land in open space for perpetuity, to protect Loudoun’s scenic viewshed and its natural, cultural, and historic resources. The group monitors land use applications that involve eased land, and works with the greater community on easement violations or inappropriate uses.
Posts regarding this group’s work can be seen here.
The Heritage Preservation work group was instrumental in creating the Loudoun County Heritage Plan, the county’s Heritage Commission, and the preservation of numerous assets of value to its citizens, its tourism, and its rural communities. It continues to work with Coalition partners, easement holders, county staff, and property owners, and communities to continue preservation efforts.
Posts regarding this group’s work and be seen here.

Loudoun cemeteries: Inactive (grey), active (orange), and disturbed/removed (red). [Image from Loudoun Office of Mapping and Geographic Information]
The Cemeteries Project Group in the past has been engaged in protection of the county’s historic cemeteries. Following a presentation by the Commonwealth’s Attorney, it undertook identification and surveys of all the county’s historic cemeteries. It has worked to improve provisions in the county’s Zoning Ordinance that protect them, and promote stewardship of the properties.