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Monarch Habitat Garden
Design and build Monarch Garden with Native Plants on School grounds
Maturity | Multiple |
Subjects/Courses | Science |
Topics | Habitat, Life Cycle of Plants and Animals |
Grade Level(s) | Elementary, 1st through 5th |
Benefits | more habitats created, more monarchs flying back to Mexico, |
Resources | LWC staff to speak in Classroom on Monarch Life Cyle, volunteer Master Gardener could also pariticpate; find volunteers to help prepare ground used for Garden, ie remove sod, augment soil |
Student Roles | Students create garden design, actually put the native plants in the ground |
Promotion & Publicization | Students create information packets describing species of native plants, using barcodes on signs in the garden to allow public to use smartphones to read species information |
Organization | Loudoun Wildlife |
Website | |
Contact Email | |
Contact Phone | (703) 777-2575 |