“The History of Aldie Village” is a 90-minute presentation set for 5: 30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 15, at the Aldie United Methodist Church, 39325 John Mosby Highway in Aldie. The presentation will include the general history and Civil War history of the village, and the history of three historic structures Loudoun County plans to demolish to build an 18,000 square foot fire station to serve new housing developments several miles away on the east side of Route 15. The event is co-hosted by the Mosby Heritage Area Association, Civil War Trust, Aldie Heritage Association, Lovettsville Historical Society, Land Trust of Virginia. Click here for flyer with additional details.
Background: The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors has distributed a plan outlining the demolition of three historic buildings in Aldie: the Woodburn Tavern, 39491 John Mosby Highway, a Victorian residence at 39469 John Mosby Highway, and a cottage at 39493 John Mosby Highway. Additionally, alterations will be required to the floodplains, the steep slopes, and other environmental impediments to install a facility of the proposed scale. Area citizens are upset with these plans and a petition with over 3,000 signatures seeks relocation of this firehouse.
The proposed Aldie Fire Station No. 7 would be directly on the core of the June 17, 1863, Aldie battlefield. This battle was the opening fight of the “Prelude to Gettysburg” cavalry battles and also included the later battles of Middleburg and Upperville. The Southern cavalry under Gen. J.E.B. Stuart performed a screening movement as Gen. Robert E. Lee’s troops moved across the Potomac to invade the North a second time. This cavalry action prevented the Federal cavalry from reaching the Blue Ridge Mountains, therefore allowing Lee to move successfully north and eventually resulting in the Battle of Gettysburg, fought July 1-3, 1863.
The speakers will discuss the historical importance of Aldie and the buildings which are threatened with demolition to allow room for the new firehouse to be constructed.
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